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Just keeping a low profile. Strange times.
This Medical Professional does a pretty good layout. I like his small pox vaccination presentation segment showing that small pox vaccinations from 13 to 48 years prior to exposure kept individuals from developing symptoms but were still carriers.
I guess we don't know just how far people will let the mob push them until they push back. I can only know my own limits. However: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1107651/monthly-unit-sales-of-firearms-by-type-us/#:~:text=Published%20by%20Liam%20O%27Connell%2C%20Jun%2018%2C%202020%20In,from%202019%20to%202020%2C%20by%20type%20%28in%20thousands%29 If people didn't feel they had limits or that pushing back was pointless, they would not be spending money on firearms either.
Is letting people make their own informed decision forcing folks into a camp? Isn't your syllogism phrased a little too Holocausty? Who said anything about force? Using political affiliation to take a position is a bit extreme though, isn't it? The disease doesn't register to vote, so it's not going to pick it's preferred party during the pandemic. Why can't people just use good judgment and be considerate of others to get through this? Oh wait, it's because we've become decadent, and the extremes are the norm and civil behavior is no longer a norm, at least for political purposes. I'll just keep working from home, and avoiding everyone who either wants to burn down the system, or walk too close to me in stores while not wearing a mask. Both types are the problem.
That's how it should be done when they riot and burn.
While I am inclined to take this picture as indicative of an actual demonstration on the basis of my expectations, I could find no Dr. Richard Davis listed at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center. Is this a legitimate study by an actual doctor? Maybe him? https://twitter.com/richdavisphd Good, thanks.
​ One of my friends pointed out that near the end of the video, the UN markings appear to disappear, I let people decide for themselves if real or not. That's just the critical angle being attained as the angle of the incident illumination is subtended whilst the vehicle drives away, it's still a UN vehicle.
While I am inclined to take this picture as indicative of an actual demonstration on the basis of my expectations, I could find no Dr. Richard Davis listed at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center. Is this a legitimate study by an actual doctor?
They're just trying to make the US into something we would hate as much as they hate the US.
You are right. Until they NEED a cop. Saw a video of a BLM guy complete with bullhorn trying to get a crowd riled up to take down a statue until the locals showed up, most of them senior citizens, including one guy waving a cane, to stop him. He got into a tussle with one old guy and then when the others stepped in he ran behind the police that were there (doing nothing) and a guy was yelling "Sure, NOW you want the police!". If the authorities won't stop this madness and apply the law then citizens are going to get fed up and start doing it themselves and that's bad for everyone, particularly pasty white Antifa soyboys. That's what will escalate the issue. Everyday citizens with no priors getting arrested and charged for doing what the spineless politicians won't. Flames are getting fed on both sides.
I'd bet the social workers that replace cops, think that any belief in 2nd amendment rights is a sickness that must be cured through intensive therapy.
Only silly people continue to make the claim that people are denied mortgages based upon the color of their skin. In the 1990s, shortly after Bill Clinton assumed office, the federal government pushed banks to sell mortgages to minorities at reduced interest rates in increasing numbers. Coincidentally I was purchasing a home at the same time however, because of my white privilege, I was allowed to purchase a mortgage 1.5 percentage points higher than those who didn't have white privilege. Well, Barney Frank did his level best to enable all the bad loans and the banks fell all over themselves dishing out crappy mortgages because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would buy them up so the burden was always on the taxpayer. Just another form of subsidized housing for the poor really.