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  1. Yes, Ukrainian wish-fulfilment.
  2. Zelenski's dream. That scenario only works if the enemy can match the attackers manpower and losses and does not break and run- or if Steiner turns up and finally attacks the Russians!
  3. Hold that thought soldier. Because I am going to quote it back to you a lot in the upcoming months.
  4. Does not what? Gets seen by a couple of nomads then dumps all its gear and retreats. Then says the fought off a large group of Iraqi soldiers and had to successfully withdraw??
  5. No. The SAS spend all their time re-writing history and publishing semi-fictional books that turn abject failure into stunning survival stories. I remember a TV programme where an ex SAS member went to Iraq and retraced the route of one SAS group and he found the place where they say they fought off and destroyed a large group of Iraqi troops and armour. Turned out is was a group of Nomads and they claimed the SAS men simply dumped all their gear and ran when they were spotted. The narrator was scoffing at this and thought they were lying-until the nomads produced some of the dumped kit. Personal items confirmed this indeed was their gear.
  6. Who can forget the stunning success of the SAS in Iraq in finding and destroying all those SCUDs...............
  7. Stupid, wrong or any other word you choose but its very understandable IN SOME SITUATIONS. For example a Sniper who perhaps kills 2 or 3 of the men seeking him out is very unlikely to be taken alive by his captors. It is never going to work out well for anyone if his life depends on the mercy of the friends of someone he has just killed.
  8. The claim there is no film of Ukrainians shooting prisoners is false. The earliest film I know (from both sides) of these type of killing is of 3 'surrounded' Russians who were persuaded to give up and as soon as they stepped out of a building they were shot.
  9. The UK media has gone right over the edge: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c87djeezjxeo Western officials have told the BBC that North Korean troops have already suffered nearly 40% casualties in the fighting in Russia's western Kursk region, in just three months. The officials, who spoke on grounds of anonymity, said that out of the estimated 11,000 troops sent from North Korea, known as DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), 4,000 were battle casualties. That term comprises those killed, wounded, missing or captured. Of the 4,000, the officials said around 1,000 are believed to have been killed by mid-January. These losses, if confirmed, are unsustainable by the North Koreans. It must be true because an 'expert says so: "These are barely trained troops led by Russian officers who they don't understand," says the former British Army tank commander, Col Hamish de Bretton-Gordon. "Quite frankly they don't stand a chance. They are being thrown into the meat grinder with little chance of survival. They are cannon fodder, and the Russian officers care even less for them than they do for their own men." This is an earlier Jan 2023 prediction the same expert: "A UK Challenger tanks will take several hits from a T-72 one hit from a Challenger on a T-72 destroys it." Russia has no capability to conduct modern manoeuvre warfare especially in the face of Western tanks, former tank officer Hamish De Bretton Gordon tells #timesradio. Way to go Hamish!
  10. No matter how many times you expose his lies he keeps on posting these fictions.
  11. They (few remaining) faithful are just using the German WW2 way of explaining their defeats. The tired old 'the Russians only won by outnumbering us' whinge of the defeated.
  12. When the enemy is making strategic territorial gains and your propaganda is focused on the capture of 1 or 2 enemy POWs then you should start worrying that things may be a lot worse than what you are being told.
  13. Or in US-Speak 'a gun is the answer to every problem'. Hence the film I saw on Youtube where a minor traffic collision led to the two motorist firing at each other and both hitting the others young daughter who were also in the cars-or the film of a minor dispute about next doors dog peeing on the grass leading to the dog-owner being shot and killed by the neighbour.
  14. I remember an old joke from years back 'Has your Hard Drive failed? No problem. Just ask GHQ if they can send their copy back to you.'
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