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  1. T-90 destroyed by ISIS in Deir ez-Zor
  2. 120mm HEMP slo-mo https://gfycat.com/SnoopyDecisiveAntarcticfurseal
  3. I guess it's the same tank. A new ISIS video shows a few seconds of its cook off. At 7:51 in this video: http://videos.videopress.com/wutY8cZC/the-islamic-state-22stay-for-the-end-times-wilacc84yat-hcca3alab22_hd.mp4 (GRAPHIC WARNING)
  4. Captured T-90 https://twitter.com/SCW_Nuggie/status/828301640029569024/photo/1
  5. Declassified info on M1 Abrams armors: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP91B00390R000300220014-8.pdf
  6. Interesting read, trough just a little too biased. Is there something more modern about it? Like about KSA trainings with US officers(like I heard, it wasn't really good, especially in pilot trainings) https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/58a14a/military_members_from_around_the_world_what_are/?
  7. Something similar happened a while ago: https://gfycat.com/PeacefulDarlingCapybara
  8. T-72M1 hit by Dragon, but the missile failed to penetrated through the armor: http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/threads/mbt-armour-active-and-passive-cross-sections-and-descriptions.64233/page-2
  9. Turkish T-155 Fırtına destroyed by ISIS
  10. British Scimitars destroyed by friendly A-10
  11. A Pz IV split in half Another one
  12. M1A1 caught fire while being towed. T-62 taking autocannon fire and ATGM.
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