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Paul G

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    Blue State
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    Military stuff, guns & beer, wargaming

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  1. Don't forget SGT York, and Crusader. US T95. Honorable mention goes to M60A2.
  2. overlapping hard ceramic plates provide the stopping ability, so transference of trauma is minimal while maximizing flexibility.
  3. http://www.defensereview.com/modules.php?n...cle&sid=490 Pinnacle Armor Inc.'s most advanced ballistic hard armor, their Level IV "+" ceramic composite flexible body armor will defeat multiple hits of 7.62x51mm AP rounds, like the Winchester/Olin .308 SLAP (Saboted Light Armour-Penetrating) round, which utilizes a tungsten sabot bullet.
  4. http://www.pinnaclearmor.com/body-armor/dragon-skin.php this is the manufactuer's site. Some range test footage if you scroll down.
  5. The problem was never with the ability to "engage" SCUDS. In ODS the Patriot sucessfully tracked, launched and "engaged" missiles by detonating in specified proximity to the "engaged" incoming missiles meeting the criteria for a sucsessful "engagement". Thats were the 95% sucess rate comes from. The problem was the proximity warhead on the Patriot was not detonating the warhead on the incoming SCUDS. After some analysis some reports are as high as 40% sucessfull engagement of the warhead, some as low as zero. The SCUDS coming appart in flight contributed to this problem as proximity to the acutal warhead became problematic with multiple returns.
  6. I bet if you came up with some criteria and sold it to you BN CO and he could award it to his top TT8 gunners. Better to ask forgiveness... Or just use the critera above! The key is to get a LTC to buy off on it.
  7. The Pershing certainly was an evolutionary improvement to the Sherman. While I would say it was beter automotively than the Tiger I, it was more on par to the Panther in regards to mobility, firepower and protection.
  8. If at least 51% of the parts need to be replaced due to enemy action...its a loss.
  9. Reminds me of a '70s song.
  10. American Tank Porn
  11. The Turret did not blow off due to explosive internal overpressure.
  12. I was always fond of the B-58. Looked like a serious aircraft with those low slung engines.
  13. Just a cool pic.
  14. Already have a Ambulance version of the Bradley. Wouldn't be hard making the adjustment.
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